Photo A Day » A Photo a day - The photo life of Emma Booysen

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Market Lady

Emma Booysen Photography

Photographing people will definitely be on my agenda when we are going on holiday. This was taken at one of the markets in Vietnam.


Fishing Boat

Emma Booysen Photography

We are currently planning our holiday for this year and we are planing on revisiting Vietnam. This was at Ha Long Bay in Vietnam.



Emma Booysen Photography

Saughrette was also one of the top five Mrs Bloemfonteiner finalists. Hair and makeup was done by myself.


Spider web

Emma Booysen Photography

Revisiting my archives brings back a lot of memories of places we have been. I took this image on a trip we did in 2009 at Cederberg.



Emma Booysen Photography

This images was also taken at the summer palace in Beijing, China.



Emma Booysen Photography

Even before I started my photography career, I have already documented our holidays with photos. This bridge is at the summer palace in Beijing, China.



Emma Booysen Photography

I always wanted to do a shoot with the movie theme "Frozen". One of our little models at the workshop loves "Frozen" and had her dress on, so I got my opportunity.


Head Shot

Emma Booysen Photography

I presented a workshop on portraits and lighting. This was one of the images I got at the workshop. Thank you to all the people and models who participated.


Head Shot

Emma Booysen Photography

As I was preparing for the workshop I will be presenting, I revisited some of the images I took on a previous workshop I presented. It can sometimes be challenging to get nice head shots with reaction.


New Born

Emma Booysen Photography

A week in the studio will not be the same if I don’t have a few new born’s visiting the studio.



Emma Booysen Photography

Composition is always playing a role in photography. I had two images of these gulls – this one where they are facing each other and the other they were facing the same direction. I felt that this one had the more impact.


Sleeping Baby

Emma Booysen Photography

This little one came for her two month shoot. As she was sleeping we dressed her as a tortoise.



Emma Booysen Photography

I revisited some of my archive holiday photos and discovered this one. It was during our 2008 Cape town holiday.



Emma Booysen Photography

It is amazing how fast babies grow up. It feels like just the other day I photographed his six month shoot and now he is already crawling.


Taj Mahal

Emma Booysen Photography

The well known Taj Mahal is located in Agra, India. It was built in perfect symmetry.



Emma Booysen Photography

I wish we could get under water again. This was on one of our Umkomaas trips.


New Born

Emma Booysen Photography

This little one was born a little pre-mature, so I did his shoot a little after two weeks.


Sechaba & Mosili

Emma Booysen Photography

Sechaba & Mosili are busy planning their wedding. This was one of the photos of their pre-wedding shoot.



Emma Booysen Photography

Tabletop photography helps to practice some lighting techniques, such as these tomatoes dropping into a water jar to light up the water.


Mydi & Ipeleng

Emma Booysen Photography

Mydi & Ipeleng had their wedding at Tuscan Rose. As usual, my favorite time of the day is at sunset.


Henk & Kirsty

Emma Booysen Photography

Valentine’s Day has always been special to this couple. Now it will have an added anniversary to it. Congratulations Henk & Kirsty!


Faces of India

Emma Booysen Photography

There are so many of my travel photos that I would like to share, therefore the theme for this week will be "Faces of India". I always like to photograph people when I travel.



Emma Booysen Photography

As usually it was a busy Saturday at the studio. Nono came with her mom for a photo shoot and I did some single shots for them as well. This was one of Nono.



Emma Booysen Photography

On the beach there is usually some crab activity. This image was taken on the beach at Umkomaas.



Emma Booysen Photograpphy

Michelle is Mrs Bloemfontein 2015, congratulations!! It was such a lovely shoot, where I did her hair and makeup.


Sleeping New Born

Emma Booysen Photography

I have set up a new baby shooting area in the studio. It is close to a window for natural light shooting.
