It is the little boy’s first photo shoot, he is only one month old.
As part of his first birthday celebration, this boy and his family came for a photo shoot. He had a special birthday outfit and mom brought along some props.
I have been experimenting in wrapping new born babies. I found a few scarfs that work quite well for it.
The six month baby shoot is also a nice shoot as this is the stage where they can sit by themselves. I like playing around with wings on this age, such as this ladybird wings.
I captured this image at the Bayon in Cambodia. What caught my eye was the way that the light fell on the objects.
It was the first Bloemfontein Camera Club evening for the year. The set subject was feet and/or hands. So I entered this image I took over the holidays.
Wilma brought her new baby for a photo shoot with her other sisters. However, we got this cute sleeping shot as well.
Weddings are always special occasions. I had the privilege of photographing Dr Mike and Liesel’s wedding. They held it in their garden at home. In their garden there is a wall where friends and family wrote "Before I die I want to……" and one of the messages was: "Live Life and Laugh till I die."
I had a lovely family shoot with this little girl and her parents. She turned one about two months ago and this was part of her birthday celebration.