Photo A Day » A Photo a day - The photo life of Emma Booysen

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Today my brother, Roelof, came to visit from London. I did this shoot with him when he came to visit last year.


Arum Lily

Flowers can also be used in still life photography and lighting setups can sometimes be tricky. I took this photo of an Arum lily in my studio with studio flash lights.

Adré - March 25, 2011 - 5:35 am

This is one of my personal favourites! I go crazy when it comes to arum lilies! This is absolutely peacefully and magnificent!

Water Polo

This photo was taken at a water polo tournament at Grey College, Bloemfontein.



Meet Phoebe. She is my chocolate brown daschund. She is a miniature daschund with the sweetest personality.

Niel Lombaard - March 23, 2011 - 4:31 am

Ek like die foto van Phoebe.

Royal Palace – Phnom Phenh

This is a photo of the entrance to the Royal Palace in Phnom Phenh, Cambodia. The palace was constructed in 1866. It was occupied until the turmoil of the Khmer Rouge reign in the 1970s.



I took this photo of a seagull taking off at Lamberts bay on the West coast of South Africa.


Willie & Karin

Willie and Karin got married today. The wedding took place at "Die Groen Akker". To view more photos, please visit EBPweddings.


Rock cod

Some marine animals have the most beautiful colors and this is one of them. This is a photo of a rock cod, which was taken on Aliwal shoal, Umkomaas.



I took this night scene photo in Singapore last year. The youth Olympics took place during that time and we were lucky to see some fireworks.



I did a portfolio shoot with Percy about two weeks ago, and this is another photo from his shoot.



This is a photo of the one of the world’s largest reclining buddha’s taken at Wat Pho, Bangkok. This highly impressive gold plated reclining buddha is 46 m long and 15 m high. The feet and eyes are engraved with mother-of-pearl decorations.



This photo of a steenbok was taken at Mokala National Park, approximately 80 km south-southwest of Kimberley in the Northern Cape.


Karoo Sunrise

I took this photo of sunrise in the Karoo during a trip to the Cederberg mountains.


Adam & Paulina

Today Adam and Paulina got married. They are a couple form the UK and got married in Lady Grey. This was one of the sunset photos. To view more of their photos and my other wedding photos, ­p­lea­s­e­­ ­visit EBPweddings.


Two Bar Clownfish

This photo is one of my favorite clownfish photos. It is a two bar clownfish. The photo was taken on Aliwal Shoal – Umkomaas.


Water Fun

Tonight we did a shoot with Marista and Joe-Anne. We played around with water and this was one of the shots.


Cambodian Lady

In 2009 we traveled to Siem Reap in Cambodia. I photographed this Cambodian lady at the Angkor Wat temple complex, busy recycling plastic bottles. Siem Reap is extremely hot ­and bottled water is consumed in high volumes by all the visitors, therefore this lady is making a living by collecting and recycling bottles.



I took this photo of a coil burning incense in one of the temples in Hong Kong. These coils can burn for an extended period from hours to days and is commonly used by Chinese culture for religious ceremonies like ancestor veneration. (Ancestral veneration in Chinese culture is the practice of living family members who try to provide a deceased family member with continuous happiness and well-being in the afterlife).




Today I photographed Christiaan and his family. He is my brother’s youngest son. He will be turning one on Saturday. Happy Birthday, Christiaan.


Celtics vs Pirates

Today the Bloemfontein Celtics hosted the Orlando Pirates in an ABSA PSL match at the Seisa Ramabodu stadium. The match ended in a one all draw. I got a lot of action photos from the match, but this is one of my favorites.


Chrisjan & Natascha

Chrisjan & Natascha got married today. Congratulations! This was one of the photos I took today at their wedding. To view more of my wedding photos please visit EBPweddings.



Today I did a portfolio shoot with Percy. This was one of the results.


Indian Man

India is a fascinating country. I photographed this man in Delhi, a very densely populated city in India.



SPM Marketing had a competition for the cover page of the "Çhild Care" which will be coming out shortly. This was one of my photos that I entered. This photo won the competition and therefore this little guy will be on the cover.

Martin - March 4, 2011 - 5:59 am

Baie geluk. BAie nice foto. Hou van die LOVE ORGANICS hempie

Hong Kong

Another place to take amazing night city scapes is in Hong Kong. This photo was taken from Victoria Peak in Hong Kong. Victoria Peak is 554 m above sea level and can be reached by the famous wooden peak tram.



Singapore is one of the cities where you can photograph beautiful night scenes and city scapes. This is a photo of the Esplenade bridge in Singapore. This bridge is 260 m long over the Singapore river.



Table top photography is not really part of my day to day photography, but can be challenging. I do enjoy to do table tops sometimes just to stimulate the creativity again.



Today we had a photo safarie arranged by the Bloemfontein Camera Club to a factory. One of the themes to photograph was "chains", therefore I took this photo.


In a Suitcase

Yesterday I was fortunate to photograph ­­­Babb­el & Krabbel school. There was some really special photos and this is one of them.



Today we did a photo shoot with Melandi. Melandi was one of the dancers at the IPL 2010 cricket series in India. We did some action shots in the studio and this was one of the results. To see more of Melandi’s photos, please visit EBPmodels


Sunset Model

Phuket is a tourist destination, and you will always find tourists from around the world on the beach. As already mentioned I love to photograph sunsets, but I have also combined my portrait photography to make it more interesting. In this photo I did a bikini shoot with a Swedish tourist I met on the beach.
